Our History, Who, and Where We Are....

Our History

The name RETREADS® comes from the name of vehicle tires which were initially used during World War II. Retreading (putting new treads on used tires) was a process that permitted many civilians during the war years to continue to use their vehicles when their tires wore out, as new tires were very difficult, if not impossible to get during those rationing years. Similarly, many of us began our motorcycling years back when we were young. When we got married and started raising a family, many of us had no time or money available for such luxuries as motorcycles. However, once the children were well on their own, and free time and more money were available, our thoughts of motorcycles returned and we were itching to get back on the bikes we loved so much. So in a way, we were "Retreaded".

Who We Are

The RETREADS® Motorcycle Club, International, Inc., is a not-for-profit, socially oriented corporation, organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas, of some 5,000+ members around the world, all of whom share two things: An age of 40 plus (XL+), and a love of motorcycling. In the early days of the club, when there were fewer organizations and clubs, RETREADS® membership climbed as high as 25,000! Today, with the factory sponsored clubs and various organizations and associations all vying for members, our numbers have shrunk, but the spirit and ideals under which the club was founded have not changed. The RETREADS® were founded by George Spidell, a Navy Chief Petty Officer, in El Cajon, California in 1969. Although it is an AMA Chartered Club, RETREADS® are not required to be AMA members.

Where We Are

RETREADS® are located throughout the United States; the Canadian Provinces; The United Kingdom; and
New Zealand.


The Name RETREADS is obvious. We have reached an age where a retread has become necessary!

The Shape of the Retreads crest was taken from a US Navy award presented for that which is considered to be the best! THE GOLD FIELD at the top is to denote those Golden years over forty. THE FIELD OF RED which contains the rampant stallion heads is for the valor and blood that we have shed. THE STALLIONS who appear so proud, represent the strength and stamina of the Retreads. Used as a pair, they indicate that we work together as a team. THE BAR SINISTER which slants upward from left to right across the field signifies the BLACK and BLUE marks that we all acquired while we were learning to ride. THE FIELD OF WHITE symbolizes our purity of mind and thoughts, and also the color of our face in the first tight squeeze. THE RED ROMAN NUMERALS XL "PLUS" designates our age of over forty... and as everyone knows, life really does begin at forty! THE BLUE OVERBAR above the field of gold is reserved to designate the state or province in which the wearer resides.

The Chief is a field of GOLD representing the Golden years, with the name RETREADS thereon. The Band Sinister is BLUE and BLACK, upper sinister field being RED with Stallions in place. The Lower Dexter field being WHITE with Roman numerals XL in RED letters and the word "PLUS" underneath. 

WE....Wear this CREST with PRIDE. It designates us as a member of a select group that enjoys a wonderful sport, good times, many laughs and miles of open road. 

The insignia is a REGISTERED INSIGNIA and TRADEMARK in the United States of America and Canada.

Membership Application

Print, complete, and mail the application to the Regional Director for the state in which you reside.  See the Officers page for current mailing addresses.

Include a check or Postal Money Order for the appropriate membership donation.  

Membership Application